• General Terms
General Terms

1. Entries for the awards may be submitted by hotels, municipalities, regional authorities, local government bodies, airports, ports, airlines and ferry companies, tour operators, travel agencies, car rental companies, event organizers, restaurants, and/or other companies and organizations of the travel, tourism, culture and/or advertising industry.

2. Each entrant has the right to submit entries in as many award categories as they choose. An entry which will be submitted in more than one category must include the description and supporting information relevant to each category. Each entry should address in a structured and clear manner the requirements of the specific entry category.

3. Entrants are solely responsible for the entries they submit, as well as for the truth, completeness and accuracy of the information contained therein.

4. The participants and the entries submitted are not publicly announced. With the exception of the organizers, they are communicated only to the members of the Judging Committee for evaluation purposes. After the completion of the awards ceremony, only the winners are announced.

5. The evaluation of the entries by the Judging Committee is based on the data submitted by the entrants online. The Organizers and the Judging Committee bear no responsibility in the event of false and/or inaccurate claims or withholding of essential facts in an entry.

6. Following the entry submission phase, the Organizers reserve the right to merge or cancel categories, as well as to transfer entries to a different category.

7. The Organizers also reserve the right to use parts of the entry text which have not been declared confidential, trademarks or distinguishing marks of the entrants, in the promotion of the awards and/or the awarded entries.

8. Following the evaluation by the Judging Committee, the organizers will inform participants of the results. The Awards will be announced in total at the Awards Ceremony.

9. The Organizers reserve the right to unilaterally modify the terms of the competition or to postpone or cancel the event, at any stage of the competition, if there is a serious reason. Participants in the awards may not make any claim against the organizers because of the above actions and/or their participation in the competition in general.

10. Upon submission of entry/entries for the awards, the entrants fully and unconditionally accept all terms of participation, as well as the decisions of the Judging Committee, which may not be disputed. Entrants waive any relevant claims.


11. Evaluation of the entries will be carried out by a reputable Judging Committee consisting of representatives of industry bodies, experienced and esteemed professionals, academics and other experts. The members of the Judging Committee are selected on the basis of their professional and scientific credentials, as well as their experience and expertise in the tourism sector. The members will be announced shortly. 


12. The organizers divide the judges into groups, ensuring that there is no conflict of interest and that the judges have a reasonable number of entries each, to conduct their in-depth study and evaluation. No judge is informed of the other members in his/her evaluation group. The evaluation of entries is secret and strictly personal, ensuring that Jury members are not affected by the scores or opinions of others.

13. The members of the Judging Committee do NOT evaluate:

• Entries submitted by the company/organization in which they currently work.

• Entries submitted by companies participating in the same group of companies with the company in which they currently work.

• Entries with which they are, or were, in any way involved.

• The members may also exempt themselves from the evaluation of any other entry by making a statement on the online evaluation platform.

14. Each entry is given two grades. The judges rate each evaluation criterion from 0 to 100 (excellent).

Criterion A: Quality characteristics of the resort, service, project or product (60%)

Criterion B: Results & Benefits Derived, Innovation & Differentiation from the Competition, contribution to national tourism offering (40%)

The score of each entry is obtained after first calculating the score of each judge as follows: (grade for criterion A X 60%) + (grade for criterion B X 40%) = judge’s score.

The final grade of each entry is the average of the grades of the judges whose evaluation was taken into account.

15. After the evaluation is completed and the platform is closed, the only person(s) other than the organizers who gains access to all the individual evaluations, the comments of the judges as well as the scores for each entry, is the President(s) of the Jury, for the purpose of validating the results.

16. The Jury’s evaluation results in potential Gold, Silver and Bronze awards in each category, provided that the entries have achieved a minimum required score. Platinum awards are only given to entries that have earned a score equal to and/or greater than 90.



For entries to be considered valid, by


the entrant must:

  • Visit the awards site www.tourismawards.cy, complete and submit the online entry form.
  • Deposit the total entry fee in the bank account referred to online and send the deposit slip noting the name of the depositor/company, to e-mail: irenee@boussias.cy
  • The paid amount is charged and invoiced and is non-refundable.


To submit your application online, you will be asked to provide the following information:

Mandatory Requirements

1. Entry Title (This is the text that will be printed on the trophies)

Fill in the entry title as you wish for it to be announced.

Note: Each entry must have a separate title that “describes/explains” the entry. Please do not use the company name, or the title of the category alone, as entry title.

2. Participating company/organization (This is the text that will be printed on the trophies)

Fill in the name of the participating company/organization as you wish for it to be announced (e.g. “BOUSSIAS Cyprus”).

Note: There may be more than one entrant/participating company.

3. Entry Essay (up to 1000 words)

For the entry text, please address/answer the following questions (questions are indicative):

Describe the elements of innovation and differentiation, which render your service/initiative competitive in the category where you submit it. Include quantitative and qualitative data that support the entry in the specific category. Refer to the way in which your service/initiative contributes to upgrading the Cypriot tourism offering.

Note: It is extremely important that you consider the requirements in the award category and the evaluation criteria.

4. Are there confidential data in the description of the entry??

If there is confidential information, the organizers will not publicize it, but will only make it available to those involved in the organization and evaluation of entries.

5. Media-Ready Synopsis (up to 200 words)

A summary of your entry, which may be published after the awards ceremony if your entry receives an award, either on the awards site and/or in BOUSSIAS Cyprus media. The summary should include the main points of your entry with emphasis on benefits and results.

Note: Please avoid advertising/promotional texts. The organizers maintain the right to refrain from publishing a summary, it is not included in the entry submission and/or does not fulfil the requirements mentioned above.

Optional Specifications

6. Photographs/Images (5 photos, png, jpg or gif files, up to 5 MB/file)

You may include high-quality images if you believe they will facilitate the work of the Judging Committee and will contribute to better understanding and evaluation of your entry. We recommend that you include up to 5 images.

7. Graphs (pdf file, up to 5 files, up to 10MB/file)

You may include graphs (in pdf form) if you think they will facilitate the work of the Judging Committee and will contribute to better understanding and evaluation of your entry.

8. Case Study Video (YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia, Loom or Facebook Video)

You may include a video with a valid URL (e.g. https: // www.youtube.com/watch?v=12345678 or https: // vimeo.com / 12345678). We recommend that the video is not longer than five minutes.

9. Links

Add one or more active links relevant to your entry.

IMPORTANT! Please note that the wording you will use in points 1 and 2 of the application form is automatically saved and locked. It is final and cannot be changed afterwards. This is the text that will be printed on the trophies and will appear in all relevant publications concerning your company in case you are among the Winners.


Application fee: € 300 + 19% VAT.

 3 entries and over: € 250 per entry + 19% VAT.
 6 entries and over: € 230 per entry + 19% VAT.
10 entries and over: € 190 per entry + 19% VAT.

Note: Each participating company is entitled to two free invitations to the Awards ceremony. Free invitations are valid per company regardless of the number of entries.